enquiries@wickhamhouse.com Wickham House, Wickham, Newbury, West Berkshire, RG20 8HD

      Philippa interviewed by the Mail on Monday 11th July

      Philippa interviewed by the Mail on Monday 11th July

      IT begins thus…

      She’s the headhunter putting jobseekers through their paces in a new show. Here she reveals: How to dazzle in interviews after 50

      • Philippa D’Arcy, 58, was one of the City’s most successful headhunters  
      • She has put some of the biggest finance stars into some top British jobs
      • Now Philippa is the star of a new TV series, The Job Interview

      Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3683430/How-dazzle-interviews-50.html#ixzz4EVM1IXpo
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